Monday, September 14, 2009

A-Rod "Man of the Year" Caption Contest!

Imagine my delight when I re-stumbled upon this fantastic photo of A-Rod taken by the Mz!

In honor of A-Rod's nomination for the Marvin Miller "Man of the Year" contest, let's have a little contest of our own! Comment your funniest caption for the photo below, and I'll choose a winner to be proudly displayed at the top of my blog for the rest of the season. Hell, maybe for the rest of eternity!

Captions are due by Sunday, September 20th. I reserve the right to choose my own idea if I deem it funnier than anyone else's.


Joey Pants said...

"The most clutch you'll ever see from A-Rod"

"Damn, my vagina gets itchy in these pants!"

Left Field said...

I think we have a winner already...Joey's first caption suggestion, that is.

spacejace said...

"Jesus #$%^&@ Christ"