Friday, October 20, 2006

the honeymoon's over...

Got a VERY drunk call tonight from one of my Met friends (we'll call him "M"). He was in pretty bad shape. I think he was trying to get me to say something bad about the Mets so he could fire right back at the Yanks, but I didn't really have much to say. M was screaming and hollering about the bullpen and guts and gameplans, and all I could think about was my eye doctor appointment tomorrow.
That's when I realized something: I wasn't really that upset this time around. Here's a chronicle of our most recent flops:

2001 WS Game 7: I threw 3 CD's across the room (breaking them), and slept through the night fully clothed with the lights on in a fetal position. Then I went to school the next morning and yelled at 8th graders.

2002 DS Game 4: After earlier storming out of a bar in Tribeca on date with new girlfriend, we decided to watch the game at home with some friends. Metallica was playing so loud that things were falling off the speakers and breaking. Then went to party in Tribeca and embarrassed many people.

2003 WS Game 6: Stumbled out of Stan's and took D train home. Didn't cause any trouble at all. Yelled at a few 8th graders that Monday.

2004 CS Game 7: Took 4 codeines and 2 Ambiens. Made a slurred promise to watch "a lot less sports for a few months," which I immediately broke by watching 10 straight Knick games.

2005 DS Game 5: Listened to Who's Next in its entirety and went to bed.

2006 DS Game 4: Ate a cold steak from Huntington Outback. My dad called and complained to Outback delivery because they lost his lobster tail.

You see, each year has gotten a little easier. Or maybe a little less important. Or less fun.

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