Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Hurt Locker

Decided to hit the movies this afternoon. I've always been a complete sucker for going to flicks by myself, especially in the afternoon. No worrying about where to sit ("is this too close?" or "Can you see OK?"), no need to justify a crappy movie ("Wow, Clive Owen is usually really good..."), and no danger of being too stoned ("Did you just say something?").

I should first mention our recent couples' outing to see The Hangover. A totally fun night and a totally fun movie, which wouldn't have been that fun to see by myself. I wanted to write a whole big thing about the movie, but that idea ran out of steam pretty fast. I did have a pretty good thing about "people that don't like this movie are the kind of people that get disappointed with the quality of their order at McDonald's" and not much more than that.

i tried real hard to remember the previews this time around, but I'm not sure I got all six:
1) An awful looking Liam Neeson joint with Laura Linney and Antonio Banderas that had to flaunt its many award nominees (not winners!) to even have a prayer of getting people to come. It seemed like a remake of the horrible Taken, which should never even be discussed, let alone remade.
2) The Road. I've been dreading this one ever since I heard about it, given the fact that it's a brilliant book that could never properly go to screen. If it were properly made into a film, people would run (or possibly stagger) out of the theater in absolute terror-- it's that mortifying. Instead we've got Charlize Theron running around in the woods, which isn't scary at all.
3) A ridiculous Final Destination-style movie, which I'm pretty sure is called Sorority Row (I should know, 'cause it was also part of The Hangover's previews).

4) The new Scorsese movie, which looks like loads of fun. Leo's got some ridiculous accent and supernatural forces may be in play. I hadn't heard about this one yet.
5) Something about a fat girl from the projects... "Precious" something-or-other. Looks fantastic and moving.

Oh yeah, The Hurt Locker. I loved it. Truth is, I was so happy to be out that I would've loved just about anything. Features Dahmer from Dahmer with a little more meat on his bones, and "Papa Doc" from 8 Mile. Kinda silly cameos by Guy Pearce, the blond guy from St. Elsewhere, and Ralph Fiennes, who is happened upon in the middle of the desert with a bunch of guys from The Constant Gardner (a thoroughly confusing twist).

They should make at least twenty times as many films about Iraq as are currently being made... how else are we supposed to know what the hell has really gone on over there? I know I'd make an honest effort to see at least 75% of them.

We have plans to see Inglourious Basterds this week out in Long Island.

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